* Penalty does not apply to the hold it together or patch actions.
† If the power core is malfunctioning, all actions aboard the starship not involving the power core take a -2 penalty; this penalty stacks with penalties from critical damage conditions affecting other systems.
‡ If the power core is wrecked, all crew actions aboard the starship not involving the power core take a -4 penalty; this penalty stacks with penalties from critical damage conditions affecting other systems. A ship with a wrecked power core also risks crew damage.
Encourage: Diplomacy [DC 15] or same skill as action encouraged [DC 10]
Taunt*P: Bluff or Intimidate
OrdersP†: Computers, Engineering, Gunnery, or Piloting (6th level)
Moving Speech†: Diplomacy (12th level)
Divert: Engineering
Hold it Together: Engineering
Patch: Engineering if glitching, if malfunctioning, if wrecked.
OverpowerP†: Engineering (6 ranks)
Quick Fix†: Engineering (12 ranks)
Fire at Will*P: Gunnery
Shoot*: Gunnery
Broadside*P†: Gunnery (6th level)
Precise Targeting*P†: Gunnery (12th level)
Back OffP: Piloting
Barrel RollP: Piloting
EvadeP: Piloting
Flip and BurnP: Piloting
FlybyP: Piloting
SlideP: Piloting
Turn in PlaceP: No check
Maneuver: Piloting
Full PowerP†: Piloting (6 ranks) No check
Audacious Gambit†: Piloting (12 ranks)
Science Officer
Balance: Computers
Scan*: Computers
Target System*P: Computers
Lock On*P†: Computers (6 ranks)
Improve Countermeasures*†: Computers (12 ranks)
*: DC depends on tier of enemy ship.
P: Push action.
†: Action costs resolve.
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