LogoAbsalom Station Infosphere

HTML5 Character Sheet

Sample Images

Page 1: Skills and Abilities Page 2: Feats, Proficiencies, and Spells Page 3: Inventory Page 4: Inventory Log

Page 2 Variations

Page 2: Envoy Version Page 2: Drone Mechanic Version Page 2: Exocortex Mechanic Version Page 2: Operative Version Page 2: Solarion Version Page 2: Soldier Version


This 4-page Starfinder character sheet includes an expanded inventory section and Starfinder Society-compatible inventory tracking sheet.

The Spells section from the standard character sheet can be replaced with a class-specific sidebar for non-casters using the selector just above it.

All auto-calculation and auto-fill is optional. Trigger it with the + and = buttons.

Characters can be saved and loaded in JSON format. A "save" link will appear once you start entering data.

Tested on Windows, Linux, and Android browsers.

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Installation Instructions

Change Log




